in alphabetical order
Alma Armendariz
Administrative Associate and Assistant to the Director
Benjamin A. Bellorado, Ph.D., RPA
Assistant Curator of Archaeology
Michael M. Brescia, Ph.D.
Curator of Ethnohistory and affiliated Professor of History and Law
Katherine A. Dungan, Ph.D.
Assistant Manager, Archaeological Repository
Suzanne L. Eckert, Ph.D.
Head of Collections and Professor of Anthropology
Emily Fioccoprile, Ph.D.
Archaeological Records Specialist, Archaeological Records Office
Grey Garduno
Collections Manager Assistant, Photographic Collections
Tim A. Goddard, M.A.A., RPA
Manager, Archaeological Records Office
Kimberly Henkel, M.A.
Library Specialist, Mandated Programs Archivist
Christina Jenkins
Library Specialist, Archaeological Records Office
Ruth Burgett Jolie, Ph.D.
Associate Curator of Ethnology and Associate Professor of Anthropology
Edward A. Jolie, Ph.D., RPA
Clara Lee Tanner Associate Curator of Ethnology and Associate Professor of Anthropology
Patrick D. Lyons, Ph.D., RPA
Director, Curator, and Professor of Anthropology
Tony Moreno
Assistant Museum Specialist, Archaeology Repository
Deianira Morris
Assistant Museum Specialist, Archaeological Repository
Irene Bald Romano, Ph.D.
Curator of Mediterranean Archaeology, Professor of Art History, Anthropology, and Affiliated Faculty in the Department of Religious Studies and Classics
Kirthana Srinivasan, M.A.
Museum Specialist, Archaeological Repository
Molly Stothert-Maurer
Associate Librarian (Archivist), Head of Library & Archives
Corinne (Cori) Taylor, M.A.
Research Specialist, Bioarchaeology Laboratory
James T. Watson, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Curator of Bioarchaeology, and Professor of Anthropology
Martin H. Welker, Ph.D.
Assistant Curator of Zooarchaeology and Manager of the Stanley J. Olsen Laboratory of Zooarchaeology
Monica Young, M.A.
Curatorial Museum Specialist, Office of Ethnohistorical Research