ASM Duty of Care Consultation Form
Under NAGPRA and the current regulations, any work that qualifies as “research” requires consultation and prior consent from affiliated Tribes. This document outlines tasks traditionally conducted as part of ASM’s repatriation process to facilitate open consultation and to determine what work, if any, Tribes would like carried out on NAGPRA-eligible collections prior to repatriation.
Respectful Terminology
Recommended language for the discussion of human remains and funerary objects in archaeological compliance.
Federal Consultation
Please note: the information in this toolkit does not supersede consultation under state law.
Cristin Lucas, M.A.
Repatriation Coordinator
Stacy L. Ryan, M.A.
Assistant Repatriation Coordinator
Arizona State Museum / University of Arizona
P.O. Box 210026
Tucson, AZ 85721-0026
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