Interdisciplinary Research on the Prehistoric Cultures of the Borderlands Region

Dr. Suzanne Fish and Dr. Paul Fish in the field at Marana Mound in Marana, Arizona.
This program incorporates a number of projects led by Drs. Paul Fish and Suzanne Fish involving interdisciplinary research on the preHispanic cultures of southern Arizona and adjacent northwest Mexico.
Core themes are land use and landscape as the interface between societies and their environments, and societal institutions for the organization of population and territory.
Ongoing since the 1980s, the program includes archaeological survey and excavation in the Tucson basin, including the large site of Marana Mound with its impressive civic architecture.
Also a part of the program are studies of trincheras, terraced sites on hills, in southern Arizona and Sonora, Mexico. Trincheras studies, as well as several other projects in the program, involve bi-national collaboration between the Arizona State Museum/University of Arizona and Mexican research organizations.
These projects provide many opportunities for research and training in archaeological field methods for both graduate and undergraduate students.
Dr. Paul Fish (retired)
Curator Emeritus
Dr. Suzanne Fish (retired)
Curator Emerita
Arizona State Museum / University of Arizona
P.O. Box 210026
Tucson, AZ 85721-0026