Repatriation Office

Reports of inadvertent disturbances of human remains and all Burial Discovery Agreement communications are to be directed to the Repatriation Office at

General questions about state repatriation can be directed to Cristin Lucas (520-626-0320, or Stacy Ryan (


The Arizona State Museum administers the protection, respectful treatment, and repatriation of human remains encountered on state and private land in Arizona (ARS § 41-844 and § 41-865, respectively). State lands means lands owned or controlled by the State of Arizona or by any agency, instrumentality, or political subdivision of the State of Arizona, including any county or municipal corporation.

Among its responsibilities, the Repatriation Office oversees:

  • Disturbances of human remains on state (ARS § 41-844) and private (ARS § 41-865) land in Arizona and their repatriation.
  • Burial Discovery Agreements for planned projects when there is reasonable expectation that human remains may be encountered.
  • Reports on the inadvertent disturbance of human remains.
  • Consultations regarding human remains disturbances.

All requests for service from the ASM Repatriation Office use the ASM Request Quote for Services website at: Please note that in addition to filling out the form on the quote request website, forms and additional backup documentation are required for all services. Links to forms, form instructions, and other guidance documents may be found here. 



Cristin Lucas, M.A.
Repatriation Coordinator

Stacy L. Ryan, M.A.
Assistant Repatriation Coordinator

Arizona State Museum / University of Arizona
P.O. Box 210026
Tucson, AZ  85721-0026