Museum Summer Camp

different skulls on display


9 a.m. – 4 p.m., May 20 – 23, 2019

Enjoy archaeology in air-conditioned comfort with ASM's annual Museum Summer Camp for Adults! “Bone up” on your knowledge of animal and human skeletal remains from archaeological sites with experts from the Arizona State Museum. Together with zooarchaeologist Dr. Nicole Mathwich and bioarchaeologist Dr. James Watson, you will explore the diversity of information contained in ancient bones and how archaeologists use them to reconstruct environments and human behavior in the past. Participants will interact with specialists and materials through lectures, hands-on activities, and field trips. 

Only animal bones are pictured above. Plastic models of human bone will be used in this class.

Daily itinerary posted soon.

$350 for ASM members ($160 tax deduction)
$390 for non members ($200 tax deduction)


Darlene Lizarraga