This exhibit, which was featured at ASM September 2022 - February 2023, celebrated both private and public practices and traditions of caregiving, grieving, memorializing, and preparing and planning for end of life. Videos, images, stories, and installations invited viewers to contemplate their own relationship with, and communal practices around, death and dying.
The content of the exhibit is now encapsulated in a 51-page booklet, which you can download to revisit, or experience for the fist time.
Download now:
Enjoy recordings of three related programs, held in conjunction with this exhibit:
Walking Each Other Home: Planning for Death
Walking Each Other Home: Cultural Considerations at End of Life
Walking Each Other Home: Caregiving at End of Life
Watch now: promotional video produced by the Southwest Folklife Alliance.
Watch now: exhibit highlights cultural practices at end of life, Arizona Daily Star.
Learn more about the Arizona End of Life Care Partnership.