Further Reading and Credits
Further Reading
Mexican Textiles
Cordry, Donald and Dorothy. Mexican Indian Costumes. University of Texas Press: Austin, 1968.
Klein, Kathryn. The Unbroken Thread: Conserving the Textile Traditions in Oaxaca. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 1997.
Sayer, Chloe. Mexican Textile Techniques. Shire Publications Ltd.: 1988.
Frida Kahlo
Kahlo, Frida. The Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-Portrait. Essays and commentary by Sarah M. Lowe. Harry N. Abrams, Inc.: New York, 1995.
Rivera, Guadalupe and Marie-Pierre Colle. Frida's Fiestas: Recipes and Reminiscences of Life with Frida Kahlo. Clarkson Potter: New York, 1994.
Tibol, Rachel. Frida Kahlo: An Open Life. Translated by Elinor Randall. University of New Mexico Press: Albuquerque, 1993.

Kate DeMeester
This web exhibition is the result of an internship by Kate DeMeester, a School of Information and Library Resources student during Fall 2003. The production was truly a team effort and would not have been possible without the patience and expertise of several people at the Arizona State Museum:
Diane Dittemore, ethnographic collections curator, functioned as the site advisor for this independent study.
Jannelle Weakly, museum photographer, took all the photos and served as the Photoshop expert.
Rhod Lauffer, exhibits specialist, drew Frida.