Even though there are four main production techniques, potters sometimes chose to make canteens in more unusual forms, as illustrated here.

Zuni bird-shaped polychrome canteen, ca. 1915, Zuni, NM. Unknown artist. Gift of Leal Edmonds, 1980. Max. length: 4.5 in. (11.4 cm.). (Catalog No. 1980-45-6)

Chaco Black-on-white animal effigy canteen, ca. 1075-1150 CE, Bonito Creek, AZ. Ancestral Pueblo culture. Purchased 1928. Max. length: 5.6 in. (14.2 cm.). (Catalog No. GP-6255)

Rear view of GP-6255.

Hopi polychrome canteen, ca. 1860, Hopi Mesas, AZ. Unknown artist. Nelle Dermont Collection, ASM purchase 1920. Max. length: 8.0 in. (20.3 cm.). (Catalog No. 8299)
This eccentric jar-shaped canteen has a corrugated texture, an ancient southwestern pottery technique. This may have been part of an orchestrated effort to revive older styles or simply one potter’s interest in exploring the traditions of past.

Bottom view of 8299.

Pinedale Black-on-white bird effigy canteen, ca. 1270—1320 CE. Mogollon culture. Gift of Henry Wallace. Max. length: 6.0 in. (15.3 cm). (Catalog No. 2007-496-7)

Zuni Black-on-white canteen, ca. 1880, Zuni, NM. Unknown artist. Gift of Lionel F. Brady, 1943. Max. length: 7.7 in. (19.5 cm.). (Catalog No. E-1790)

Side view of E-1790.