Forms and Guidance

  1. AAA Blanket Permit Application (28 Oct 2024)
  2. AAA Blanket Permit End-of-the-Year Summary Report (1 July 2019)
  3. AAA Permit Application - First Time Applicant (7 Nov 2018)
  4. AAA Permit Application TRS Addendum (27 Sep 2023)
  5. AAA Permit Update Request (10 Oct 2023)
  6. AAA Project-specific Permit Application (21 Nov 2024)
  7. AAA Project-specific Permit and Burial Agreement End-of-Year Summary Report (form and instructions) (1 July 2020)
  8. Archaeological Consultants (1 Apr 2024)
  9. Archaeological Principal Investigator  (application and policy) (10 June 2024)
  10. Archaeological Project Director (application and policy) (10 June 2024)
  11. Cultural Resources Summary Letter for Non-archaeologists (19 Nov 2024)
  12. General Work Plan Addendum (9 Oct 2023)
  13. Historical Waste Piles (17 Feb 21)
  14. Large-scale/Long-term Non-collection Surveys (1 Jan 2022)
  15. Notification of Intent to Conduct Non-collection Survey (10 June 2024)
  16. Notification of Intent Addendum (10 Oct 2023)
  17. Paleontological Principal Investigator (application and policy) (10 June 2024)
  18. Paleontological Project Director (application and policy) (1 July 2021)
  19. Para-archaeologist Policy (draft only, tribal consultation pending) (17 Feb 2021)
  20. Project Registration Form (6 Nov 2018)
  21. Project Submission Update Form (11 Mar 2022)
  22. Rate and Fee Schedule going into effect 1 July 2024
  23. Request an ASM Accession Number - form and addendum (28 June 2019)
  24. Summary Report of Negative Archaeological Monitoring Project Conducted Under an Arizona Antiquities Act Permit (7 Nov 2023)